Soil conservation is intended to curb erosion. 土壤保持旨在控制水土流失。
Indicated above are pictures that show trees play a vital role in water and soil conservation. 如图所示,树木对水土保持起着至关重要的作用。
The government a attached great importance to the soil conservation. 政府非常重视土壤保持。
Long term soil conservation practices must also be balanced with farmers'short term economic needs. 长期土地保护也必须与农民们短期的经济需要平衡到一起。
Gray Analysis and Prediction of Agricultural Economic System in Water and Soil Conservation Program for County Area 县域水土保持规划中农业经济系统灰色分析与预测
Construction of water and soil conservation and ecological protection projects has been accelerated. 岩土工程勘察工作规程水土保持生态环境工程速度加快。
The management and protection of water and soil conservation facilities, experimental sites, trees and grass planted and other rehabilitation achievements shall be strengthened. 对水土保持设施、试验场地、种植的林草和其他治理成果,应当加强管理和保护。
Comprehensive Assessment of Soil Conservation Capacity of Forest Ecosystems in Beijing 北京市森林生态系统土壤保持能力的综合评价
Construction of ecological environment forest, urban protection forest, water and soil conservation, production and comprehensive utility and development of nursery stock. 生态环境林、城市防护林建设,天然林资源保护,水土保持,林业苗木生产及综合利用开发等。
Soil conservation ecological compensation in China: types division and mechanism study 我国水土保持生态补偿类型划分及机制研究
One method of soil conservation is the use of windbreaks. 其中一种土壤保护的方法就是使用防风林。
The paper discussed the characteristic and type of water and soil erosion caused by highway construction project, the scope of water and soil conservation program. 对东焦河水电站在施工过程中产生的水土流失进行了预测,并结合当地情况进行了水土保持方案设计。
Methods of Economic Forest for Water and Soil Conservation Regionalization Based on the Kinds of Trees 基于树种的水土保持经济林区划方法研究
Research on Water and Soil Conservation during Dadu River Valley Development and Construction 大渡河流域开发中水土保持问题研究
Design and Realization of Water and Soil Conservation Monitoring Information System 水土保持监测信息系统的设计与实现
Courses provide a practical knowledge of soil conservation and irrigation management, entomology, landscape design, and the operation of light machinery for cultivating and pruning landscape plants. 课程提供了土壤保护和灌溉管理,昆虫学,景观设计的实用知识,以及轻工机械操作和修剪园林植物技能的培养。
At the same time this paper discussed the relation between water and soil conservation and break-off discharge in the Yellow River, dried soil layer. 同时对黄河断流以及土壤干层与水土保持建设的关系进行了探讨。
With the method of representative investigation and site-specific observation, the effects of different vegetations on water and soil conservation in Mengshan Mountain were investigated on three aspects: soil melioration, entironment improvement and water and soil conservation. 摘要采用典型调查和定位观测的方法,分别从改良土壤、改善环境和保特水土3方面,对蒙山不同植被下水土保持效果进行了调查。
They developed customary law of water and soil conservation, soil conservation and saving land landing on the basis of nature worship to land. 他们在对土地自然崇拜的基础上,发展出了保持水土、保护土壤和节约土地等习惯法。
The effectiveness of these two soil conservation measures is critical to the overall management of the Yellow River. 这两个土壤保护措施的有效性对黄河区域的治理起到了至关重要的作用。
Courses for this degree include plant propagation, pest management, soil conservation, and related studies. 该专业学习的课程包括作物繁殖,防虫害管理,土壤保护等其他相关学科的学习。
And intensify water and soil conservation, basically control soil erosion caused by man-made factors, and curb the deterioration of the ecological environment. 水土保持得到加强,基本控制人为因素造成新的水土流失,遏制生态环境恶化的趋势。
Constant technological advances in soil conservation and livestock production will be required to keep pace with this ever-growing need. 将需要水土保持与畜牧业生产不断的技术进步以适应这种日益增长的需求。
The greening and water and soil conservation within the land used by roads should be undertaken by road management enterprises. 前款规定的公路的绿化和公路用地范围内的水土保持工作,由各该公路经营企业负责。
Soil conservation methods help farmers protect their land from the damage caused by farming and the forces of nature. 土壤养护办法可以帮助农民防止其土地受到耕作和大自然力量的损害。
Reduction of sediment load by water and soil conservation works in middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River 黄河中上游水利、水土保持措施对减少入黄泥沙的作用
See chart c7-1for supervision progress curve of water and soil conservation measures for Northeast Sichuan natural gas project. 川东北天然气项目水土保持工程施工监理进程曲线图见(图c7-1)。
Discussion on the Patterns of Water and Soil Conservation and Environment Improvement on the New Rural Residential Area 新农村居民点水土保持与环境整治模式探讨
Forest vegetation around Nanwan Reservoir plays an important role in water source conservation and water soil conservation. 信阳市南湾水库库区森林植被对南湾水库库区的水源涵养和水土保持具有重要的作用。
Soil conservation and irrigation service; 土壤保持及灌溉服务;